Friday, May 23, 2008

Learn Irish Drumming

While Ireland is on my mind (as I'll be travelling there for my honeymoon in two weeks!) I found this workshop on Irish drumming on a bodhran!

SUNDAY, JUNE 8, 2008 (Public)
Bodhran Bashing 101 Workshop with Robert McMaster
Vesta Centre
42014 Ferguson Line (at Wellington Rd South)
St. Thomas ON
Time: 1 pm to 4 pm
Registration: $40

All the basics in one afternoon of fun. Travel the world on the head of drum. Learn what to look for when buying a bodhran, the care and feeding of your "goat", choosing the right tipper, and the fun-damentals of Irish drumming, all the basic beats for jigs, reels, marches and beyond. You don't have to own a drum to join this class. Robert's teaching style is laid-back, fun and richly informative. To register, call 519-438-3924, or email

Check out for great harp music by Jennifer White and accompanied by Robert McMaster.

There are a few people in the area interested in drumming and if you are up for a bit of travel I'm sure this will be a great workshop. If I wasn't recovering from my wedding the night before I'd probably go!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Quick info on Emotional Freedom Technique

I just recently recieved a Twitter from Dhrumil at with some information on EFT or Emotional Freedom Technique. You might have seen it before as a method of releasing problems and potentially illnesses by tapping lightly and speaking affirmations on different parts of your body.

My naturopath has tried some of it (but has never referred it for me actually). It might become even more popular given its presence on the tv show "I Can Make You Thin" currently showing on TLC. In his show, Paul McKenna uses what appears to be EFT to help people break emotional eating habits. Its quite an interesting show, although it does seem at times that Paul is using techniques that also appear similar to hypnotism. Hey I just noticed that his site does state that Paul is a leading hypnotist!