Monday, July 7, 2008

Using Reiki in a Medical Environment

Pamela Miles, author of "Reiki-A Comprensive Guide" is holding a workshop in Toronto on her experiences with bringing Reiki into a medical environment.

I received this info from my Reiki teacher last week but I just received the ok from the event host to post it on here.


Dear Reiki friend,

You are invited to participate in an exciting special event: a seminar taught by Pamela Miles for the first time in Toronto, in September 2008.

Pamela Miles is a Reiki Master with thirty years’ experience in complementary and alternative medicine, author of “Reiki – A Comprehensive Guide”, and a pioneer in bringing Reiki into mainstream medical practice.

Pamela was first invited to bring Reiki into an inner-city hospital HIV clinic in the mid 1990s and has worked in medicine consistently since then, as well as having her own private practice. She has created programs in prominent NYC hospitals, collaborated on research (including an NIH-funded study), published in peer-reviewed medical journals, taught at Yale medical school, and presented Reiki at medical conferences and academic medical centers such as Harvard Medical School and the NIH’s National Cancer Institute, Office of Cancer Complementary and Alternative Medicine (OCCAM).

Drawing from this rich experience, in her medical Reiki classes, Pamela Miles teaches not only what she has learned, but also how she has learned since medical settings vary enormously and Reiki practitioners need to be responsive to changing circumstances and to anticipate challenges whenever possible.

Pamela Miles’s book “Reiki – A Comprehensive Guide” has earned high praise from well-known personalities such as Larry Dossey, Mehmet Oz, Lewis Mehl-Madrona, and Andrew Weil.

Please read below for more information regarding Pamela Miles’s upcoming class in Toronto, in September 2008.

I sincerely hope you will choose to join us and look forward to welcoming you,
Elyssa Matthews

P.S. Please feel free to extend this invitation to other fellow-Reiki practitioners.


What Reiki Practitioners Need to Know
Toronto, September 26 - 28, 2008

Even seasoned Reiki practitioners face major challenges when trying to bring Reiki into conventional health-care settings. Successful collaboration requires skillful communication, knowledge of how medical institutions operate, and familiarity with relevant Reiki research.
This seminar is for Reiki practitioners at any level who are interested in learning how to develop their ability to work seamlessly in a medical environment. The topics covered will include:
· how to speak about the practice in credible language that communicates effectively to both medical professionals and the public;
· how and why Reiki treatment is being used in hospitals;
· an overview of Reiki research;
· the standards you will be expected to meet and the clinical skills you will need in order to practice in these environments.

During the class, you will be coached in writing your introductory Reiki statement. You will leave this workshop able to self-evaluate your skills and experience and with suggestions on how to continue honing your ability to work effectively in all settings.

Here are some comments made by Reiki practitioners, physicians, nurses, physical therapists, occupational therapists and other health care professionals who have taken the class: "Now I have much more clarity and confidence, and people are listening when I speak about Reiki." "This is the best CAM (complementary and alternative medicine) class I have taken." "The class helped me understand why my attempts to connect with medicine weren't successful, and the changes I needed to make." "I learned how to speak directly to the needs of health care settings and professionals." "Thank you for re-energizing my commitment to myself and my practice."

Dates and Times: September 26 - 28
Friday, September 26 - 7 p.m. -9 p.m.
Saturday, September 27 – 10:00 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Sunday, September 28 – 10:00 a.m. – 6 p.m.

Location: Don Mills, Toronto (easily accessible by car and TTC)

Tuition Fee: $ 375.00 ($325.00 before August 22)
Refunds minus a $75.00 processing fee before September 16
No refunds after September 16

· Send cheque or money order to

Elyssa Matthews
45 Balliol St. #1614
Toronto, Ontario
M4S 1C3

· Or use Paypal to send payment to:

Praise for “Reiki – A Comprehensive Guide” by Pamela Miles

“Pamela Miles has been instrumental in the integration of Reiki into conventional medicine and has written an intelligent, sensitive guidebook to this remarkable healing practice.”
Mehmet Oz, M.D., Vice-Chairman and professor of surgery,
New York Presbyterian Hospital /Columbia University Medical Center

“Reiki is, increasingly being incorporated into modern medicine because of one compelling reason: It works. Reiki Master Pamela Miles has written the best guide to this healing art currently available.”
Larry Dossey, M.D.

Tighten Up Those Arms

Lose Big with Jillian Michaels

I was just checking out Jillian Michael's site again and came upon this great exercise. If you've got flabby arms that you want to get rid of, check out this quick exercise: Tricep Kickbacks!

I've love the way Jillian takes the nonsense out of getting fit. Remember to do the exercises regularly and correctly to get the maximum benefit. Check out her site and become a member for great tips and more information on staying healthy. She's currently working on season six of Biggest Loser!

Burn Fat Fast: Online program will help you burn fat faster