Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Day 5: Make The Cut

Kashi for breakfast, forgot the eggs. Lunch was salad leftovers. Very good but oniony and garlic.
Dinner: Chicken mole with green beans... a combination of chili powder and cocoa powder was quite good!

  • Helped S cook it, also made lunches for tomorrow (since thursdays are very busy).
  • Got home, shoveled some snow from the end of the driveway (we got dumped on, 20 cm!) went to Acupuncture, visited my volunteer job to say I couldn't make it for next week, came home, did dishes, helped with the burrito wraps, set up the recycling and garbage, then rested for a bit.
  • 9:30: time to work out. S moving hers by one day. Spent 30 minutes reading up on the exercises to find out how to do them! They are a repeat of the exercises I was supposed to do Sunday. Realized again that we need the gym for some of them so hope to join on Friday.
  • Completed 1 set of all 5 circuits and it was 10:30 so decided to call it quits. Made a protein smoothy, wrote this entry, and went to bed!

    Protein smoothy:
  • 1 large glass of soy milk
  • 1 banana
  • 1 scoop Greens+ chocolate protein powder
  • blend!

    Also tried to visualize the protein building up my muscles. You just never know about that stuff... they say it worked for Arnold Schwarzenegger.

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